Friday 26 October 2012

Be sure about those around you

A good friend is always like a brother and a brother is always more than a friend.
I have lived among men, among women and children. I may not be as old as though, but my encounter with people has taught me so many things yet I have so many to learn.
It is always good to listen than to talk for the wise always talks less and listen more.
I have a good plan and is optimistic about those that happen around me and have this hope that everything happens in its own good way.
Yet, I have fears. The disdain that hover around me I can't tell, but I know the Lord God Yahweh protects me from the evils of the enermy.

My prayer

God exhibited his greatness towards me, but I know I have sinned.
For my sins can never be forgiven. By my sins oh Lord, I am supposed to be buried,
but now I live because of your kindness, and mercifulness towards me.
I know that the God of Abraham, Isaac and of Jacob has given me a path that seeks to
wash me thoroughly of my sins that I may live to fulfil the task He has given me through my
talent that I may live a pure life with a clean heart.
May the God of Abraham, Isaac and of Jacob forgive me, for I know not what
I do nor say.