Wednesday, 24 July 2013


Have you ever asked yourself why people lie?
Maybe not, maybe yes but to be exact, what do we define as a lie or deception? Well it can be elucidated as the deliberate act of deviating from the truth. If you are curious as I am and inquire why people lie, you may find interesting stuff.
Those who lie to protect themselves and others, those who lie for their selfish and parochial interest but when do you consider a lie as appropriate?
I believe that can be determined by the plight one finds himself. Lies and deception are things that the society frowns upon but its something that we encounter mainly through our lives.
The Bible even forbids it.
However people have built their entire livelihood on lies. The question ones needs to ask is that how long can your deception catch up with you.
Truth are indeed bitter herbs but they heal illness faster most people don't like taking it.
For those who lie to protect others, there is one thing that one needs to be aquainted with and that is they feel extremely horrible when they have to do it but because its to protect the fellow being it has to be done. Nonetheless when found out it causes misunderstanding which most likely mars relationships.
I know how it feels because I have being a victim.
My preposition is that always inquire why people do things they do because it maybe as a result of the uncontrolable and invitable plight they might find themsleves.