Tuesday 25 December 2012

Hamper for yuletide

Anxious about what might happen, what has happened is really the issue with our youth of today.
I am not an exception from this. As it is, you always have to leave the past behind and focus on the future, but it is equally good to reflect on the pros and cons of the past so as to learn from it. I ask today, how you exhibit your grievances. The youth of today exhibit their worries and depression through frantic decisions and actions which invariably are incorrect. They indulge in all sorts of activities which are detrimental to their social, emotional, physiological and psychological life.
I believe that the youth resort to such means because of lack of guidance, support and understanding form the older generations.
I would like to implore the youth especially those delving into politics to be cautious and desist from acts likely to cause mayhem what so ever.

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